
The APEC Labour Market Portal was developed in response to concerns raised by the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) over labour and skill shortages in APEC member economies, which can act as a constraint on business investment and trade. The Portal brings together data on labour market and skills trends collected by particpating member economies, presenting it in one location in a coherent format.


The APEC Labour Market Portal forms part of the  APEC Skills Mapping Project, an APEC Labour and Social Protection Network project coordinated by the Australian Government's Department of Employment. The other outcomes of the project included an expert report on the incidence of labour market imbalances in the APEC region and options for improved labour market information systems, as well as a final report with recomendations for options to improve the availability of relevant information. 


Scope of this website


The APEC Labour Market Portal presents the information which has been provided by participating economies in an integrated database and individual economy pages. Each economy contributed a dataset with information on their labour market and employment trends, as well as a short report which summarises these developments and the availability of information relevant to monitoring employment conditions.


The Labour Market Portal's database can be used to query the quantiative data provided by particpating economies, and users can run cross-economy queries or focus on a single economy. The results of queries can be exported into Microsoft Excel-format databases for further analysis. 


The individual economy pages present the reports and internet links provided for the project by participating economies, as well as summary data for each APEC economy which has been sourced from multilateral collections. 


Contributions to the APEC Labour Market Portal


Contributions of data from APEC economies are welcome at any time. Partial contributions are also welcome, as they all help to provide a fuller picture of the APEC regional labour market and skills availability. To make a contribution, fill in the below data collection template and/or economy report template and email it to APECLabourMarketPortal@jobs.gov.au.


Templateforeconomyreport2019 0916781001553743393*TemplateForEconomyReports.docx


APEC Labour Market Portal data collection template 0131554001553743760*APECLMPortaldatacollectiontemplate.xls


Links to the other outcomes of the Skills Mapping Project are provided below. 




Expert report on the APEC Region Labour Market 0956886001402380144*SkillsMappingAPECregionreport-final.pdf




Skills Mapping Project update to the APEC Business Advisory Council, February 2014 0400600001426563504*Skills_Mapping_Project_update_for_ABAC_11_Feb_14.pdf


Skills Mapping Project update to the APEC Labour and Social Protection Network, February 2014 0691466001426563612*Item_7_Australia_Skills_Mapping_Project_w_notes_19_Feb_14.pdf




The project office in the Department of Jobs and Small Business can be contacted through the 'Contact us' page of this website, or by direct email to APECLabourMarketPortal@jobs.gov.au.